Francesca Lancisi

Francesca Lancisi’s watercolor paintings have a lovely characteristic style but are never the same. I love their playful, natural forms and harmonious color combinations. Originally a  teacher of Italian Culture and Language, Francesca’s desire to paint grew when one day she started organizing papers, sheets and drawings she had created in the past. She started to paint more and more, and created a virtual gallery where she now showcases her wonderful projects. You can find many more of her works on her website, blog & Etsy shop. A lot of them are for sale as postcards too!
Selling on: Etsy


Francesca LancisiFrancesca LancisiFrancesca Lancisi Francesca LancisiFrancesca LancisiFrancesca Lancisi Francesca Lancisi Francesca Lancisi Francesca Lancisi

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