Meanwhile at The Pottery Parade

Note: this is a blog where I share lots of art by all kinds of makers that inspire me. If you are looking for more info about The Pottery Parade, visit Instagram or this shop

It’s been a while since I shared an update about my own ceramic adventures. But it’s definitely not because of a lack of them. Lots of things happened here these last few months. It involved unexpected happenings that moved me towards long studio nights, lots of clay, little computer time and a whole bunch of hecticness altogether. Now things are starting to settle down and I’m slowly starting to realize where I am at this point. The Pottery Parade, which I started two years ago, has become a very important part of my life and is now a main part of my little business. And considering that LOVE creating ceramics I couldn’t be more exited!  

Ceramics by The Pottery Parade

I won’t lie, it still feels odd.  Usually when people ask me what I do I say ‘I make ceramics’ rather than ‘I am a ceramist’. Working from Studio Noot & Zo in Utrecht has taught me a lot, but mostly that there is so, so much to know about ceramic crafts. Learning about all the different techniques, skills and possibilities still makes me feel like a newbee in many ways. 

That being said, I love how I am becoming more confident in what I do! These last months I have been working with clay non-stop and as a result, I have felt very inspired, motivated and more aware of the direction I want to move to. I was thrilled to see my first cup come from the kiln and loved creating little jewelry dishes. Recently I started creating vases that include several characters and I cannot wait to see them when they are finished!   

I’m feeling super inspired, happy and, most importantly, thankful. For receiving a whole bunch of support from Suus & Ralph from Studio Noot & Zo and for all the love and enthusiasm I receive from you guys. THANK YOU! It’s what makes this all possible. I haven’t always shared as much on social media as I could have (working from the studio makes that challenging!) and the prices of the items in my shop have increased quite a bit since I launched it. It’s scary and uncomfortable. But from the tiniest dish to the biggest vase, creating ceramics involves a long progress with lots of different steps (and an obsession for detail!). 

That’s it for now. I’ll be in the studio and I’ll make sure to keep you updated on what’s going on there. And as soon as those face vases are ready I’ll let you know (I cannot wait!).  

You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook for updates and visit The Pottery Parade’s Etsy shop here

PS: I have also recently opened a mailing list you can subscribe to for shop update notifications!

Ceramics by The Pottery Parade Ceramics by The Pottery Parade Ceramics by The Pottery Parade Ceramics by The Pottery Parade Ceramics by The Pottery Parade Ceramics by The Pottery Parade Ceramics by The Pottery Parade Ceramics by The Pottery Parade Ceramics by The Pottery Parade Ceramics by The Pottery Parade Ceramics by The Pottery Parade Ceramics by The Pottery Parade Ceramics by The Pottery Parade