Embroidered Ladies by Lily Bloomwood

My Monday crush: Lily Bloomwood’s beautiful and delicate embroidered portraits of fabulous female icons. So incredibly detailed that the black tiny fragments of thread in her works could easily be mistaken for pencil strokes. So gorgeous!

Lily is a London based self taught artist who started her embroidery adventure right after graduating at university. She combines her love for portraits and thread in a personal, ongoing project in which she experiments with various embroidery techniques such as gold-work, applique and bead work.

To see more of Lily’s beautiful work, visit her on Instagram & Facebook.


Embroidery by Lily BloomwoodEmbroidery by Lily BloomwoodEmbroidery by Lily BloomwoodEmbroidery by Lily Bloomwood Embroidery by Lily Bloomwood Embroidery by Lily Bloomwood Embroidery by Lily Bloomwood Embroidery by Lily Bloomwood Embroidery by Lily Bloomwood Embroidery by Lily Bloomwood